Table Tennis has always been our core-business and Schildkröt the agship of our brands. Schildkröt has stood for innovation, high quality, reliability and great customer satisfaction for more than 120 years. The origin of this traditional German brand lies in the development of specic production methods for dolls and table tennis balls and over the many decades since then, the brand developed a well-deserved huge recognition.
At the beginning of the eighties, the Schildkröt product range was divided into dolls, toys and table tennis and was taken over by dierent companies. In 1984, the current owner family took over the table tennis and sporting goods sector and rapidly developed the brand internationally, soon becoming the market leader in leisure table tennis in Central Europe.
In 2000, Donic and Schildkröt started a very succesfull cooperation and both brands combined their strengths under Donic-Schildkröt. Donic is one of the world most successful brands in competitive table tennis, with top players and table tennis legends like Jan-Ove Waldner and Jörgen Persson.